I have recently started a new body of work based on ideas and experiences that have been rattling around on the back burner of my brain for a while now.
This ongoing series are currently grouped under the heading Fires in the Mind, and make reference to the source of inspiration of Dave’s installation of the same name.
These autobiographic paintings are attempts to portray the struggles and internal dialogues I am currently going through whilst still receiving counselling to help me come to terms with the traumatic event of Dave’s death that changed absolutely everything in my life.
‘Rabbit Holes’ seeks to express the crazy internal unfocussed state of mind that I found myself enter, heightened over recent months by the solitude of lockdown restrictions.

‘Fires in the Mind – Rabbit Holes’
An easing of lockdown restrictions over this summer has highlighted to me the need to find the courage to become more earthed and focussed as the world too begins to feel its way through this pandemic that has changed everything in everyone’s lives forever.
‘Towards Awareness’ expresses the beginning signs of movement towards focus and a more frequent feeling of calm. Still sensing the omnipresent hair trigger of grief that kicks my feet from under me, the slow process of regaining my centre and grounding myself has begun.

‘Fires in the Mind – Towards Awareness’