‘Spring Collection’ exhibition at Art Matters Gallery, Tenby

Just delivered 4 paintings to John and Margaret in sunny Tenby for the first show after their winter break. Always good to feel Spring is on its way!   Exhibition runs from February 11th to 28th March.  The gallery winter opening hours are 10am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (Gallery closed on Sunday and Wednesday.) Further information including images of the entire exhibition are on the website https://artmatters.org.uk/ 


Ocean Art Launches the boat!

Harbour Wave 2 copy


Website all up and running now – check out my page with images under Seascape Originals. See my copy below:

Living for over 30 years by the sea on the rugged coast of Cardigan Bay has had a profound influence on Andie. The strong sense of living on the edge, close to Earth’s primordial energies and cycles of ebb and flow is evident in her work.

The alchemy of her personal vision leads to abstracted paintings on both paper and canvas, using strong, energetic and sensitive mark-making with expressionistic use of colour.

Born in London Andie studied Graphic Design at London College of Printing in the seventies, working in magazine publishing before relocating to west Wales. Her work as a fine artist flourished alongside her interest in Tai Ji Qu’an, an ongoing study that informs both her work and lifestyle.

Elected to the Society of Women Artists in 2012, Andie’s award winning work has been exhibited worldwide including UK, Japan, Ireland, France, Brazil, Canada and USA.


William MacKenzie blog on Society of Women Artists London exhibition 2016

In William MacKenzie’s art blog he wrote a very interesting feature on the SWA annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London. Click on the link below to see the full post.

Reach Final Version

This is what he wrote about my painting titled Reach.                                                              ”Andie Clay’s ’Reach’ is done in the frustratingly unhelpfully described “mixed media”.  I would like to know what.  There is some acrylic in there maybe. I like the movement in this piece with the bird like marks exploding out of the monstrous shape.  Energetic piece.”


Painting ‘Blues Saxophonist’ wins award at SWA London exhibition

swa 2015 award

Thrilled to receive the good news from Sue Jelley, President of the SWA that my painting ‘Blues Saxophonist’ has won the Frank Herring Easel Award, the prize being the easel shown in the photo above

Katherine Tyrrell blogging on the SWA annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries


Renowned Art blogger Katherine Tyrrell visited this years SWA exhibition and wrote a comprehensive review, see link below:         http://makingamark.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/Review-Society-of-Women-Artists-Annual-Exhibition.html#more


Musician paintings selected for London SWA exhibition

test flyer copy

Have just heard that three paintings from my musician series have been selected and will be on exhibition at the Mall Galleries in June. ‘After Silence 3′ (above right) comes from my music conductor series.

The 154th Annual exhibition of the Society of Women Artists runs from 5 to 13 June and will be open 10am to 5pm daily, closing at 3pm on the 13th. Do get in touch if you would like an invitation to the Private View.

Paintings on their way to London for SWA Annual Exhibition

AfterSilence4 copyArt Moves of Chelsea collected four of my musician paintings from outside the RWA in Bristol recently. They will deliver these to the Mall Galleries on the 25th of April for selection for the 154th Annual Exhibition which runs from the 5 – 13 June 2015. This painting is from my series of music conductors.


New work on the way to Suffolk Gallery

colt low res mare low resA selection of new work is on its way to Suffolk including these two horses – Proud Stallion (top) and Calm Mare. To see them in their new setting pay a visit to Seapictures Gallery in Clare, Suffolk where Sarah and Alaric Pugh will give you a warm welcome.



New Date For The One Show Screening of Operation Portrait

DSCN1692 copy DSCN1695 copyFollowing the postponement of showing the two Operation Portrait films on BBC’s The One Show, the new date that is again pencilled in is Wednesday the 11th of February. Photographs above show Alan Amis posing for me in the Goat Street Gallery, St Davids for Operation Portrait.