153rd Exhibition of The Society of Women Artists, The Mall Galleries, London


On Wednesday 25th June Her Royal Highness, Princess Michael of Kent opened the 153rd annual exhibition of The Society of Women Artists at The Mall Galleries in London. The exhibition is open daily until Saturday 5th July. Featured in this photograph behind Her Royal Highness and the President of the SWA, Sue Jelley, are four pieces of my work which were selected for this prestigious event. www.society-women-artists.org.uk

Teifi Artists Group Exhibiting at the King Street Gallery, Carmarthen

TAG exhibition “Infinitely Nine” running in the Chate Room at King Street Gallery, Carmarthen from Friday 20th of June to Friday 4th of July.

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Tenby Exhibition “Nine Lives” by Teifi Artists Group

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Nine TAG members exhibiting in Tenby. Many thanks to Margaret Welsh and John Faulkner who run Art Matters for hanging the work really well.