‘Birth/Rebirth’ Exhibition at Boundary Art, Cardiff

Very pleased to have four paintings selected by Cate Cheng, gallery director, for the forthcoming exhibition ‘BIRTH/REBIRTH’ at Boundary Art in Cardiff Bay, a unique combined gallery and tea room.                                                                                               Exhibition runs from 25 March to 6 May 2017, gallery open Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 6pm. (Closed Monday and Tuesday.) www.boundaryart.com   Photos will be posted as soon as available!                                                                                                  The East/West philosophy of the gallery links in with my long term personal interest in Asian culture, and my study and practice of Tai Ji Quan and Qi Gong.                                 Further Information about Boundary Art                                                                           Cardiff’s newest art space, Boundary Art opened in 2015 and devotes itself to the fusion of communication and promotion between Western and Chinese cultures. The gallery is fast developing a reputation for dynamic and distinctive programming to support artists from across the visual spectrum and from across Wales and beyond. Visitors have the unique opportunity to browse original art works and to relax in their Chinese tea room.

The core ideology of Boundary Art has always been about the communication and trans-boundary of the arts, culture and thoughts. The gallery offers an international platform for artists, curators and writers and welcomes all audiences, aiming to encourage everyone to engage with art, prompting questions and supporting debate.

‘Spring Collection’ exhibition at Art Matters Gallery, Tenby

Just delivered 4 paintings to John and Margaret in sunny Tenby for the first show after their winter break. Always good to feel Spring is on its way!   Exhibition runs from February 11th to 28th March.  The gallery winter opening hours are 10am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (Gallery closed on Sunday and Wednesday.) Further information including images of the entire exhibition are on the website https://artmatters.org.uk/ 


View my previous SBP sketchbooks here

See a page-by-page view of my previous SBP sketchbooks by clicking the link below. In 2012 my first sketchbook was titled:’ My Mother’s Last Christmas’, a diary of the week I spent with her when she wasn’t expected to live for much longer. Two years later I submitted a sketchbook called ‘Inside Out’ which was a series of self portraits.


Sketchbook arrived from America!

sbp blank pages copy

It’s time to fill in another sketchbook for the SBP in New York. This will be the third time I’ve taken part.                                                                                                                           Here’s a bit of information about the set-up:

We are an independent Brooklyn-based company that organizes global, collaborative art projects. Our flagship endeavor is The Sketchbook Project, a crowd-sourced library that features 35,418 artists’ books contributed by creative people from 135+ countries. Brooklyn Art Library is our storefront exhibition space in the heart of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY where The Sketchbook Project collection is on view to the public.                                                                                                                                       Brooklyn Art Library, 28 Frost Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Open Tuesday to Sunday 12-6.The SBP currently holds around 35,418 sketchbooks by 162,081 creative people from 101 different countries.




William MacKenzie blog on Society of Women Artists London exhibition 2016

In William MacKenzie’s art blog he wrote a very interesting feature on the SWA annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London. Click on the link below to see the full post.

Reach Final Version

This is what he wrote about my painting titled Reach.                                                              ”Andie Clay’s ’Reach’ is done in the frustratingly unhelpfully described “mixed media”.  I would like to know what.  There is some acrylic in there maybe. I like the movement in this piece with the bird like marks exploding out of the monstrous shape.  Energetic piece.”


Painting ‘Blues Saxophonist’ wins award at SWA London exhibition

swa 2015 award

Thrilled to receive the good news from Sue Jelley, President of the SWA that my painting ‘Blues Saxophonist’ has won the Frank Herring Easel Award, the prize being the easel shown in the photo above

Katherine Tyrrell blogging on the SWA annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries


Renowned Art blogger Katherine Tyrrell visited this years SWA exhibition and wrote a comprehensive review, see link below:         http://makingamark.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/Review-Society-of-Women-Artists-Annual-Exhibition.html#more