“In our minds there are many rooms…”

A recent Art Project that I took part in is being organised byTim Iliffe, lead artist. He states ‘In October 2016, in conjunction with MOMA Machynlleth, we were awarded an Arts Council of Wales Award to carry out a project which involves 1000 people in the creation of four installations across North Wales.’ Participants are sent an empty numbered CTNK pill box. ‘The boxes represent the state or contents of our minds at the time of making.       There are no rules! Cut it, paint it or burn it, in fact do anything you like. The returned boxes will be hung at four locations across the region.’

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Top image shows the installation in Bangor Cathedral running from 1st March to 30 April, bottom image shows my box. See separate blog entry for the story behind it.       https://timiliffeartist.com/in-our-minds-there-are-many-rooms/


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