Remembering Past Successes

2011: SWA The 150th  Annual Open Exhibition at the Mall Galleries London

2011: SWA The 150th Annual Open Exhibition at the Mall Galleries London


In 2011 I was thrilled to receive the St Cuthberts Mill Award from Princess Michael of Kent. This was before I was elected to full membership of The Society of Women Artists in 2012.

In 2015 my painting ‘Blues Saxophonist’ won the Frank Herring Easel Award.




2014: SWA The153rd Annual Open Exhibition at the Mall Galleries London. Princess Michael of Kent and then Director Sue Jelley

2014: SWA The 153rd Annual Open Exhibition at the Mall Galleries London. Princess Michael of Kent and then Director Sue Jell

Painting ‘Blues Saxophonist’ wins award at SWA London exhibition

swa 2015 award

Thrilled to receive the good news from Sue Jelley, President of the SWA that my painting ‘Blues Saxophonist’ has won the Frank Herring Easel Award, the prize being the easel shown in the photo above