TAG exhibition “Infinitely Nine” running in the Chate Room at King Street Gallery, Carmarthen from Friday 20th of June to Friday 4th of July.
TAG exhibition “Infinitely Nine” running in the Chate Room at King Street Gallery, Carmarthen from Friday 20th of June to Friday 4th of July.
Nine TAG members exhibiting in Tenby. Many thanks to Margaret Welsh and John Faulkner who run Art Matters for hanging the work really well.
Biro Drawing entitled Saxophone Duo
Biro drawing of Epsie Thompson, Flautist
7 – 24 February 2014 , Fine and Contemporary Pop-Up Exhibition at Sea Pictures Gallery, Clare, Suffolk
My musician paintings will be on exhibition at a pop-up exhibition in Suffolk in February. See below description from www.seapicturesgallery.com
“A pop-up exhibition at Sea Pictures Gallery Clare organised by our sister gallery, Fine and Contemporary, to celebrate Valentine’s Day. The exhibition opens on Friday 7th February until Monday 24th February. The exhibition features the work of award-winning painter, Andie Clay SWA, who works with the group YOUNG VOICES.”
“In Conversation” Exhibition
Quiet reflective moment before the doors open
Preparing for the Private View
“Powerful work – Strong shapes, vibrant colour, exciting use of line and media – wonderful explosions of all the visual elements. So assured.” GF
“Have seen your landscapes in previous exhibitions this is something new and stimulating. Loved it.” JMW
“Could spend hours here – the pictures are talking to each other.” JC
A visit on the last day by a group of Swansea art students brought this comment from their tutor :
“Fab exhibition of line, colour and abstract expression. Was enjoyed by all students visiting this morning. Provoked many conversations and inspired all the students to explore, experiment and to be freer in their application of lines, colour and compositions. A huge thank you.” TF
Nick Pudsey Filming my Exhibition
Nick and Vicky Pudsey spent the day with me in the exhibition shooting lots of film to be edited for future videos which will appear on this website in due course. This included being interviewed by the gallery manager Mark Heycock.