Ceredigion Art Trail 2017


Check out my page on the 2017 Ceredigion Art Trail website:


Really pleased with how it looks as it gives a great overview of my work including quick links to Vimeo and YouTube videos. The printed Directory will be available in July, but the website is already up and running and looking great. New artists added as they apply so keep checking back.

SBP Sketchbook for America- 88 Form Yang Style Tai Ji sequence

sbp drawing sbp second drawing

Have been busy filling my SBP Sketchbook for Brooklyn Art Library in New York (see earlier Blogs). I have drawn the Yang 88 Style of Taijiquan as it was being performed in front of me. No time for details, just focusing on grasping the essence and the energy flow of the form. I have been studying Tai Ji for 25 years now so this is a celebration of my quarter century. I do however still consider myself to be a beginner. It is supposed to take several lifetimes to master the art of Tai Ji.

Walnut Shell Art Installation – concepts



walnut mental box 190317

gold walnut mental box 190317


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The thought process behind my ‘box’ which I completed for Tim Ilife’s multi-artist installation (see Blog entry 2.3.17 “in our minds there are many rooms…”) contained several threads.

Having a mature walnut tree in our garden sparked the initial thread of interest, seeing how each nut and shell was similar yet quite different from the next one. As with everything in nature, no two walnuts are identical. On researching the history of walnuts I became intrigued that in Victorian times the reassembled shells were used to pass secret messages and love tokens. Further research onto the resemblance of the kernel to the human brain lent itself to being used in this art project about mental health.  I chose to cover the empty pill box in black and white felt – a reference to yin and yang, darkness and light, and padded cells. Before I sealed the interior off I inserted three walnut shells that were filled with screwed up pages from the ‘i’ newspaper from Friday 13th January 2017, and strapped them into the shell halves with strong wire so there was no escape! I then combined concepts relating to Gulliver being tied down on one face of the box with the opposing face featuring a spiders web with its prey wrapped and ready to eat. Strands of copper wire and thread were used throughout. No one but me (and you!) knows what is inside the box making intriguing noises as the box is turned over. This project has intrigued me, such a simple concept but so many different interpretations as the 1000 artists all explore their own “rooms”.  Currently installed until the end of April at Bangor Cathedral, I will keep you posted as it travels to each venue over the coming months.

Private View invitations for Boundary Art exhibition in Cardiff Bay

boundary art invitation

Private View invitations for the 2nd Anniversary Exhibition ‘Birth:Rebirth’ at Boundary Art are now available. You are welcome to come along between 3 and 5pm on Saturday 25th March to see the work selected by guest curator Matthew Evans. Exhibiting artists are Aidan Myers, Andie Clay, Ping-Gang Cheng, Dan Edwards, Lucia Martin, Luke Samuel and  Kin Leung.


“In our minds there are many rooms…”

A recent Art Project that I took part in is being organised byTim Iliffe, lead artist. He states ‘In October 2016, in conjunction with MOMA Machynlleth, we were awarded an Arts Council of Wales Award to carry out a project which involves 1000 people in the creation of four installations across North Wales.’ Participants are sent an empty numbered CTNK pill box. ‘The boxes represent the state or contents of our minds at the time of making.       There are no rules! Cut it, paint it or burn it, in fact do anything you like. The returned boxes will be hung at four locations across the region.’

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Top image shows the installation in Bangor Cathedral running from 1st March to 30 April, bottom image shows my box. See separate blog entry for the story behind it.       https://timiliffeartist.com/in-our-minds-there-are-many-rooms/


‘Birth/Rebirth’ Exhibition at Boundary Art, Cardiff

Very pleased to have four paintings selected by Cate Cheng, gallery director, for the forthcoming exhibition ‘BIRTH/REBIRTH’ at Boundary Art in Cardiff Bay, a unique combined gallery and tea room.                                                                                               Exhibition runs from 25 March to 6 May 2017, gallery open Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 6pm. (Closed Monday and Tuesday.) www.boundaryart.com   Photos will be posted as soon as available!                                                                                                  The East/West philosophy of the gallery links in with my long term personal interest in Asian culture, and my study and practice of Tai Ji Quan and Qi Gong.                                 Further Information about Boundary Art                                                                           Cardiff’s newest art space, Boundary Art opened in 2015 and devotes itself to the fusion of communication and promotion between Western and Chinese cultures. The gallery is fast developing a reputation for dynamic and distinctive programming to support artists from across the visual spectrum and from across Wales and beyond. Visitors have the unique opportunity to browse original art works and to relax in their Chinese tea room.

The core ideology of Boundary Art has always been about the communication and trans-boundary of the arts, culture and thoughts. The gallery offers an international platform for artists, curators and writers and welcomes all audiences, aiming to encourage everyone to engage with art, prompting questions and supporting debate.

French Musician Philippe Lauters composes music inspired by my paintings


Call of the coast - 61cm by 61cm - mixed media

Click on the link to view the video. So touched that she found my work of interest, do look at her other YouTube films.

‘Spring Collection’ exhibition at Art Matters Gallery, Tenby

Just delivered 4 paintings to John and Margaret in sunny Tenby for the first show after their winter break. Always good to feel Spring is on its way!   Exhibition runs from February 11th to 28th March.  The gallery winter opening hours are 10am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (Gallery closed on Sunday and Wednesday.) Further information including images of the entire exhibition are on the website https://artmatters.org.uk/ 


FREE SPIRIT off to new pastures

Free Spirit copy

A painting that is very dear to my heart recently set off to her new home. Bought by a couple who were visiting Cardigan whilst walking the Ceredigion Coast Path, Free Spirit shows a horse enjoying being able to run freely, mane and tail flying,  unencumbered from control by man.

The following piece was written when I first became aware of being drawn to horses, about ten years ago:

“Horsepower entrances me.
Their spirit, energy and essence are a constant draw.

To see horses running free with their lively fluid grace and majesty is an uplifting sight. When grazing on rugged exposed open moorland it is possible to observe in them a strong sense of inner ease and freedom of spirit.

Years spent absorbing and learning to ‘see’ them, not knowing how, why or what I had to say, have started to repay me. Seizing the challenge of drawing them from life, I have started on a journey – the resultant quick sketches barely able to achieve more than to grasp at their essence.

Back in my studio, using the power of mark and line it is this distillation of spirit that I strive to express and develop.”